Congratulations to the six new brothers who joined the Chapter as full members on Saturday, February 7.
These men transitioned from associate members to initiated members, where the will now enjoy a Lifetime of True Brotherhood along with the other 1,399 initiated member of Alpha-Tau Zeta, the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity at Iowa State University.
Brothers initiated include:
- A-T 1395 Theodore Reinert
- A-T 1396 Andrew McKeighan
- A-T 1397 Krek Chavez
- A-T 1398 Lewis Moar
- A-T 1399 Ralph Tenuta
Note that Krek Chavez is also the brother of Joe Chavez, A-T 1375, who is also currently a member of the Chapter working towards his degree.
Please join us on congratulating these newly initiated members!
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